Earlier this year, South Africa’s hottest gaming studio, Free Lives, decided to up sticks and move to Mauritius for some inspiration. What could be more logical for the team behind the breakout hit title BroForce, which was bought by over700 000 users on Steam?
We went to visit the gang at their sweet pad in the lush Tamarina Golf Estate, where the Free Livers have been joined by a crew of talented(and now somewhat sunburned) developers from allover the world for the Game Jam of the decade. The result has been released on Steam this week ,and it is, well… very avant garde. In fact, it’s so NSFW that we can’t mention the title, so we invite you to go to Steam and find out for yourself what it’s about. With a little probing (excuse the pun)you’ll also discover that it’s doing very well – Free Lives certainly know their audience!
The Game Jam has been covered extensively by the gang’s on-location documentary team. If you haven’t been following their documentary series, check it out here:
Free Lives CEO Evan Greenwood and his team were on deadline with their new title, and as such was a little too manic to be able to give us an interview. But we did catch a glimpse of their newest demo, for an as-yet untitled little gem of a frog-flattening game. The demo is the brainchild of game developer Ruan Rothmann and animator Mike Scott.
Ruan is also the developer of the creepy-as-heck first-person fighter title for Vive, GORN. (Seen here with his terrifying brainchild.)We got to check it out on Free Lives’ resident Vive, and managed to cause relatively little hardware damage while flailing around trying to defend ourselves from the gentleman in the below clip.
Warning, there’s a lot of blood in this clip. Luckily you’re not actually using a Vive, or that would be much scarier.